Heidi Wearing:
- T-Shirt: * HEC (Hot Elegant Clothing) - SUE Enjoy Crop Tee GIFT CSUG-100 *AutoHide Maitreya
- Mask: KiB Designs - Infected Vulture Exclusive @ Darkness Month Event (DME)
- Halo: ::OOPS:: Asmodeus Halo Exclusive @ Darkness Month Event (DME)
- Tattoo: TAOX SLINK - Belly Working In A Winter Wonderland Exclusive @ Versus Event
- Head: Catwa Daniel Mesh Bento Head
- Head applier: *Birth* 'Benjamin' Catwa Applier - 03. Tone
- Body: Slink Male body 2.
- Skin body tone: *Birth* Slink body Applier - 03. Tone
- Penis: *Birth* 'Mr Smooth' Bento Cock v1.3
The ultimate man toy is afoot. Acannon of a lovestick- moving, pulsing, growing, rubbing, a true bento cock. 24 Moving bento animations [pulsing, stroking, humping, all useful when you getting it on]. 20 erection state poses in 4 different lengths. (180 degree angles). 20 rotation poses (rotates entire cock and balls). Lots of tattoo/ effect overlays (includes saliva and cum). Glow, shiny, transparency settings. Change Balls Heights
Thank you! ♥♥♥